From elephant rides to dolphin spotting, your holiday plans could be resulting in much suffering for animals. We've put together a checklist of things you should not be doing if you are an ethical traveller.
Say No to Elephant Rides and Baths The most common and highest-selling tourist attraction in Thailand, Sri Lanka and India is elephant rides. However, experts suggest that elephants have severe spine issues as their backs are not suitable to carry humans or seats. In an interview in 2016 with The Dodo , president of Elephant Aid International, Carol Buckley, explained elephants have jagged bony protrusions that rise upwards from their spine instead of smooth, circular spinal discs which makes it painful and difficult for them to carry tourists. This report highlights shocking abuse of elephants at tourist sites. A report by National Geographic in 2016 showcased the plight of temple elephants during a festival in Kerala where the animals are compelled to walk three times around the temple before being taken in front of the altar or in front of the temple, to bow down. Three or four males are already perched atop elephants as well as a large plaq...